News from Bree

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News From Bree was a UK fantasy gaming zine.

Edited by Hartley Patterson The zine ran through 29 issues 1970-1988, starting as a scandal sheet within the Tolkien Society and ending up as a fantasy role-playing fanzine.[1] It was published via Games & Puzzles Magazine.

News from Bree #13

Includes a transcript of an interview with Tolkien, broadcast on BBC radio in 1971.[2]

News From Bree #15

July 1975, 22 pages

Contents, lots of Tolkien related letters of comment, The Game of Kerbogem Books in Print by, about, or Pertaining to J.R.R. Tolkien, review of the game Siege of Minas Tirith, The Fannish Round (fanzine reviews) poems[3]

News From Bree #16

January 1976, 22 pages

The fanzine became a gaming zine with this issue. It includes letters, book reviews, a Winnie the Pooh spoof on the change over from the old English to the decimal money system, Tolkien news, D&D items, character sheet, “The Proper Use of Flasks of Oils”, and “The Fannish Round” (fanzine reviews SF, fantasy, and Tolkien).[4]

News From Bree #23

reviews: traveller, down styphon!, emerald tablet, galactic conquest[5]
